This blog consists of all information about bsc csit along with notes, old questions, routines and solutions.

B.Sc.CSIT III Semester-077 Exam Form Filling Notice !!!CLICK HERE


Wednesday, February 27, 2019

CSIT 1st Sem Physics All Numericals

Hey ! CSIT students now you don't have to worry about the Physics Numerical questions. This document contains all the necessary numerical for all the chapters since it covers almost all the numerical types defined in the syllabus. has managed the numerical for all the first...

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Bsc CSIT 3rd Semester Microsyllabus | CSIT 3rd Sem Micro syllabus

3rd Semester BSc CSIT Microsyllabus BSC CSIT Click on the link to open bsc csit syllabus  of 3rd semester and download. Computer Architecture (CSC208)Computer Graphics (CSC209)Data Structures and Algorithms (CSC206)Numerical Method (CSC207)Statistics II (STA210) ...