This blog consists of all information about bsc csit along with notes, old questions, routines and solutions.

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Tuesday, August 27, 2019

bsccsit 2nd semsester | notes | old question | solution | model question

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Scope of Bsc. CSIT in Nepal 2019 TU

Scope of Bsc. CSIT in Nepal

IT or Information Technology is not a new term to Nepalese. We have been  familiar about this Nepal has enjoyed incredible success in digital adoption as compared to its neighbors, with mobile penetration exceeding 100% and Internet penetration reaching 60%. Nepal Telecom Authority states that there was an addition of 2.25 million new Internet users in 2017 alone, translating into approximately 250 new Internet users every hour. This indicates that there is extreme need of skilled IT technicians in coming days. So we can say there is a reliable career in CSIT in Nepal. We can point out some of the major scopes of IT in Nepal as following.

popular Technical term in Nepal since long time. Moreover Bsc CSIT has it’s own identity among many other IT courses in Nepal. Tribhuvan University introduced this course  more than a decade ago with the semester system. It comprises 8 semester to be completed in 4 years.  CSIT is not just an IT but also a computer science course so this course is not for the IT enthusiast but for those as well who are fascinated by the science related to science. So the course is wide and inclusive of many popular IT skills along with research in computer science. Nepal is ready to adopt Digital Nepal concept and this is only possible if every sectors are digitally modified and every systems are made digitally autonomous.  According to Ministry of Communication,

  •     Software Development

           Software development is a most popular goal of every IT student. Software can be of various               purposes and for Digital Nepal or even the Digital World software is a important resource or               platform. Software can be developed with different programming languages. So the CSIT                   students with fluency in any of a major programming language has a great future in Nepalese               IT industry. Moreover different IT and software companies are being established in Nepal                   who  needs skilled programmers. Government bodies are also acquiring the concept of Digital
           Services through their own software.

  • .        Web Development and Design

           Web is an incredible platform for any firm, organization or ever for a person. It establishes the             firm, organization or person in digital world and creates an identity in online world. So a                     website is being mandatory in today’s world. About 1.94 billion websites exists in world in                 2019 and approximately 280 websites are made per minute every day. So there is a wide range             of works in website designing and developing.

  • .        Database Administration

Data is the most valuable property in digital and online world. So a good and efficient database administrator is required for the management and overall analysis of data in a database. Database has great importance in storing data for websites, software and webapps. Data administrator can be an IT hub for many students who are efficient database management system with respective skills.

  •      Network Administration

           Networking is another hub for IT students who are fascinated by networking. Most of the                     multi branched organization and business firm must have a network which can be only by the             skilled person with proper knowledge in Networking. Moreover many government                               organizations also have high demand of Network administrator in different level.

  •        SEO Expert

              Although SEO was introduced in Nepal long ago, there is still lack of SEO experts in Nepal.                SEO is an incredible choice for IT students who has interest in web. SEO is a global                            concern    these days due to the increasing number of websites day by day and the                                increasing   competition. SEO has great scope in Nepal since the number of websites in                        increasing in Nepal as well and many of the firms and companies are giving great                                opportunities to SEO enthusiasts.

  • .            Quality Assurance expert

             Quality Assurance is a work related with analysis of a software or web application and give                 quality assurance of those items. For this work you must have great analytical and logical                     comprehension to assure that the software is ready to use. Moreover there are very few QA                 expert in Nepal despite   the demand of those expert is increasing.

             There are many other scopes of CSIT in Nepal other than mentioned above like, project manager, system analyst, technical writer and many more.

csit notes

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

OS Model Question Solution [Bsc csit Operating System 4th Semester]

OS Model Question Solution [Bsc csit Operating System 4th Semester]

Long Questions
Attempt any two questions. (2 × 10 = 20)

1 What is sleep and wakeup? Demonstrate problem with suitable code snippet and illustration.

2 When page fault occurs and how it is handled? Demonstrate Second Chance, and LRU page replacement algorithm for memory with three frames and following reference string: 1,3,7,4,5,2,3,6,4,5,7,8, 5,1,4

3 What is Inode? Why it is superior to other file allocation approaches? Consider 20-GB disk with 8-KB block size. How much memory space will be occupied if contiguous, and File allocation table is used for file allocation. Assume that each FAT entry takes 4 byte.

Short Questions
Attempt any eight questions. (8 × 5 = 40)

4 Define the terms shell and system call? How it is handled? Illustrate with suitable example.

5 What are main goals of interactive system scheduling? Discuss priority scheduling along with its pros and cons.

6 How starvation differs from deadlock? Consider the following situation of processes and resources:

• What will happen if process P3 requests 1 resource?
• What will happen if process P4 requests 1 resource?

7 Consider a virtual memory and physical memory of size 128-MB and 32-MB respectively. Assume that page size is 4-KB. What will be the number of bits required for page number, frame number, and offset? Find physical address for the virtual address 20500. (Assume that value at index 5 of page table is 2)

8 Define the term race condition? Justify that race condition leads data loss or incorrect data.

9 Explain directory implementation techniques employed in operating systems briefly.

10 What is the main purpose of disk scheduling algorithms? Which disk scheduling technique is best but impractical? Explain the algorithm with example.

11 How threads differ from processes? Explain thread usages.

12 Write short notes on:
a) Linux Scheduling
b) Fragmentation

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

AI Model Question Solution Bsc csit

AI Model Question Solution Bsc csit

AI Model Question Solution Bsc csit

Long Answer Questions
Attempt any Two questions. [2*10=20]

1. What do you mean by heuristic search? Given following state space representation, show how greedy best first and A* search is used to find the goal state. [2+8] [Unit 3]
S is the start state and G is the goal state. The heuristics of the states are h(S)= 12 , h(A)= 8, h(D)= 9, h(B)= 7, h(D)= 6, h(E)= 4, h(C)= 5 , h(F)= 2, h(G)= 0.

2. How resolution algorithm is used as a rule of inference in predicate logic? Convert following sentences into FOPL. [4+6] [Unit 4]
All over smart person’s are stupid
Children’s of all stupid persons are naughty
Roney is Children of Harry
Harry is over smart
Prove that “Roney is naughty” using resolution algorithm.

3. What is Artificial Neural Network? Define its mathematical model. Discuss how back propagation algorithm is used to train ANN? [1+2+6] [Unit 5]
Section B

Short Answer Questions
Attempt any Eight questions. [8*5=40]

4. Describe how Turing Test is used to define AI as acting humanly? [ Unit 1 ]

5. Differentiate between model based and simple reflex agent with an example. [Unit 2]

6. What is Natural Language Processing? Discuss the steps of natural language processing. [1+4] [Unit 6]

7. How belief networks are constructed? Consider the probability of having cloudy is 50%. The probability that it will rain given the conditions it will be cloudy and if it is winter is 30%. The probability of being winter is 50%. The probability that it will be shiny is 70%. Now construct a belief network for this example. [2+3] [Unit 4]

8. What is expert system? Explain the major components of Expert System? [1+4] [Unit 6]

9. How mini-max algorithm is used in game search. For the following state space, show
how mini-max algorithm finds path for the two players. [2.5+2.5][ Unit 3 ]
win draw win win lose lose draw

10. How knowledge is represented using semantic networks? Illustrate with an example. [5]
[Unit 4]

11. What is supervised learning? Discuss how Naïve Bayes model works? [Unit 5]

12. Construct PEAS framework for following intelligent agents. [ Unit 2]
a. Internet Shopping Assistant
b. English Language Tutor

CN Model Question Solution Bsc CSIT

CN Model Question Solution Bsc CSIT

CN model Question Solution bsc csit

Group A (Long Answer Question Section)
Attempt any TWO questions. (2x10=20)

1. Suppose you are assigned to design a LAN for an office having 3 departments. Each department will have 50 computers locating in 10 rooms each equipped with 5 computers. Make your own justification while selecting connecting devices and accessories.

2. Highlight on the importance of routing algorithm. Explain Distance Vector Routing algorithm and compare it with link state routing.

3. Explain various congestion control approaches.

Group B (Short Answer Question Section)
Attempt any EIGHT questions. (8x5=40)

4. Is a host, network or broadcast address? In which layer of OSI model do HUB, Switch and Router operate on.9+99999999999999

5. Describe the working procedure of Token bus and Token ring.

6. Why do you think network traffic analysis is carried out? How does IPv6 overcome the disadvantages of IPv4?

7. Find Hamming Code for data 01100111.

8. Differentiate between frame relay and ATM.

9. What is the function of proxy server? Explain about electronic mail.

10. Demonstrate the use of socket programming for creating network application using UDP and TCP with necessary diagrams.

11. Explain DNS with reference to its hierarchy and records.

12. Write Short Notes (Any Two):
a) Firewall
b) Packet Switching
c) NGN


TOC Model Question Solution Bsc csit

TOC Model Question Solution Bsc csit

Theory Of Computation
Bsc csit 

1. Define the extended transition function of DFA. Draw a DFA accepting language L= {1n | n=2,3,4…….}. Show acceptance of strings 1110011 and 1110 using extended transition function. [2+4+4]

2. What is deterministic pushdown automaton? Configure a pushdown automaton accepting the language, L= {wCwR | w € (a,b)*}. Show instantaneous description of strings abbCbba and baCba. [2+4+4]

3. How a Turing Machine works? Construct a Turing Machine accepting the language, L= { (n )n }. Also show the transition diagram of the machine. Illustrate whether a string (( )) is accepted by the Turing Machine or not. [2+6+2]
Section B

Short Answer Questions
Attempt any Eight questions. [8*5=40]

4. When a grammar is said to be in CNF? Convert following grammar to CNF; [ 1+4]
S→ 1A | 0B | Ñ”
A→ 1AA | 0S | 0
B→ 0BB | 1 |A

5. Define epsilon NFA. Configure equivalent epsilon NFA for the regular expression
(ab U a)*. [1+4]

6. Differentiate Kleen Closure from Positive Closure. For Σ ={0,1}, compute Σ* and Σ2. [3+2]

7. Write the regular expression over {0, 1} for strings [2.5+2.5]
a. not ending with 0.
b. of length at least 3 that ends with 00.

8. What is undecidable problem? Define Post’s Correspondence Problem with an example. [1+4]

9. How pumping lemma can be used to prove that any language is not a regular language? Show that language, L={0r 1r|n ≥0} is not a regular language. [4+1]

10. Discuss how Turing Machine with multiple tracks differs from a Turing Machine with multiple tapes. [5]

11. How context free grammars are defined? Write a context free grammar over {0,1}, where the strings start and end with the same symbol. [2+3]

12. What is halting problem? How can you argue that halting problem is undecidable? [1+4]

Sunday, August 11, 2019

MiniMax Algorithm in Game Theory and C implementation

The Minimax Algorithm and it's implementation in C programming

Let us assign the following values for the game: 1 for win by X, 0 for draw, -1 for loss by X.
Given the values of the terminal nodes (win for X (1), loss for X (-1), or draw (0)), the values of the non-terminal nodes are computed as follows:

        1.   the value of a node where it is the turn of player X to move is the maximum of the values of                 its  successors (because X tries to maximize its outcome);

        2.   the value of a node where it is the turn of player O to move is the minimum of the values of                its successors (because O tries to minimize the outcome of X).

Figure below shows how the values of the nodes of the search tree are computed from the values of the leaves of the tree. The values of the leaves of the tree are given by the rules of the game.

               if there are three X in a row, column or diagonal

An Example:
    Consider the following game tree (drawn from the point of view of the Maximizing player): 

Show what moves should be chosen by the two players, assuming that both are using the
mini-max procedure.


Implementing The minimax Algorithm in c progaram.

// A simple C program to find 
// maximum score that 
// maximizing player can get. 
#define min(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b))
#define max(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b))
// depth is current depth in game tree. 
// nodeIndex is index of current node in scores[]. 
// isMax is true if current move is 
// of maximizer, else false 
// scores[] stores leaves of Game tree. 
// h is maximum height of Game tree 
int minimax(int depth, int nodeIndex, bool isMax, 
            int scores[], int h) 
    // Terminating condition. i.e 
    // leaf node is reached 
    if (depth == h) 
        return scores[nodeIndex]; 
    //  If current move is maximizer, 
    // find the maximum attainable 
    // value 
    if (isMax) 
       return max(minimax(depth+1, nodeIndex*2, false, scores, h), 
            minimax(depth+1, nodeIndex*2 + 1, false, scores, h)); 
    // Else (If current move is Minimizer), find the minimum 
    // attainable value 
        return min(minimax(depth+1, nodeIndex*2, true, scores, h), 
            minimax(depth+1, nodeIndex*2 + 1, true, scores, h)); 

int main() 
    // The number of elements in scores must be 
    // a power of 2. 
    int scores[16];
    printf("Enter no of leaf nodes   :");
    int x;
    int i;
    printf("\nENter terminal utility\n");
    printf("Utility %d    :" ,i);
    // x = sizeof(scores)/sizeof(scores[0]); 
    int h = log10(x)/log10(2); 
    int res = minimax(0, 0, true, scores, h); 
    printf("The optimal value is :%d", res);
    return 0; 

Lets take an example:
Executing the program the output will be

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Thursday, August 8, 2019

TOC Old Questions Bsc CSIT 2067-2074

TOC Old Questions Bsc CSIT

4th Semester

csit TOC old questions

Course Title: Theory of Computation                                                               Full Marks: 60+20+20
Course No: CSC 257                                                                                         Pass Marks: 24+8+8
Nature of the Course: Theory + Lab                                                                 Credit Hours: 3
Year: Second, Semester: Fourth

Course Description: This course of bsc csit presents a study of Finite State Machines and their languages. It covers the details of finite state automata, regular expressions, context free grammars. More, the course includes design of the Push-down automata and Turing Machines. The course also includes basics of undecidabilty and intractability.