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Tuesday, August 13, 2019

AI Model Question Solution Bsc csit

AI Model Question Solution Bsc csit

AI Model Question Solution Bsc csit

Long Answer Questions
Attempt any Two questions. [2*10=20]

1. What do you mean by heuristic search? Given following state space representation, show how greedy best first and A* search is used to find the goal state. [2+8] [Unit 3]
S is the start state and G is the goal state. The heuristics of the states are h(S)= 12 , h(A)= 8, h(D)= 9, h(B)= 7, h(D)= 6, h(E)= 4, h(C)= 5 , h(F)= 2, h(G)= 0.

2. How resolution algorithm is used as a rule of inference in predicate logic? Convert following sentences into FOPL. [4+6] [Unit 4]
All over smart person’s are stupid
Children’s of all stupid persons are naughty
Roney is Children of Harry
Harry is over smart
Prove that “Roney is naughty” using resolution algorithm.

3. What is Artificial Neural Network? Define its mathematical model. Discuss how back propagation algorithm is used to train ANN? [1+2+6] [Unit 5]
Section B

Short Answer Questions
Attempt any Eight questions. [8*5=40]

4. Describe how Turing Test is used to define AI as acting humanly? [ Unit 1 ]

5. Differentiate between model based and simple reflex agent with an example. [Unit 2]

6. What is Natural Language Processing? Discuss the steps of natural language processing. [1+4] [Unit 6]

7. How belief networks are constructed? Consider the probability of having cloudy is 50%. The probability that it will rain given the conditions it will be cloudy and if it is winter is 30%. The probability of being winter is 50%. The probability that it will be shiny is 70%. Now construct a belief network for this example. [2+3] [Unit 4]

8. What is expert system? Explain the major components of Expert System? [1+4] [Unit 6]

9. How mini-max algorithm is used in game search. For the following state space, show
how mini-max algorithm finds path for the two players. [2.5+2.5][ Unit 3 ]
win draw win win lose lose draw

10. How knowledge is represented using semantic networks? Illustrate with an example. [5]
[Unit 4]

11. What is supervised learning? Discuss how Naïve Bayes model works? [Unit 5]

12. Construct PEAS framework for following intelligent agents. [ Unit 2]
a. Internet Shopping Assistant
b. English Language Tutor

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