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Tuesday, August 13, 2019

CN Model Question Solution Bsc CSIT

CN Model Question Solution Bsc CSIT

CN model Question Solution bsc csit

Group A (Long Answer Question Section)
Attempt any TWO questions. (2x10=20)

1. Suppose you are assigned to design a LAN for an office having 3 departments. Each department will have 50 computers locating in 10 rooms each equipped with 5 computers. Make your own justification while selecting connecting devices and accessories.

2. Highlight on the importance of routing algorithm. Explain Distance Vector Routing algorithm and compare it with link state routing.

3. Explain various congestion control approaches.

Group B (Short Answer Question Section)
Attempt any EIGHT questions. (8x5=40)

4. Is a host, network or broadcast address? In which layer of OSI model do HUB, Switch and Router operate on.9+99999999999999

5. Describe the working procedure of Token bus and Token ring.

6. Why do you think network traffic analysis is carried out? How does IPv6 overcome the disadvantages of IPv4?

7. Find Hamming Code for data 01100111.

8. Differentiate between frame relay and ATM.

9. What is the function of proxy server? Explain about electronic mail.

10. Demonstrate the use of socket programming for creating network application using UDP and TCP with necessary diagrams.

11. Explain DNS with reference to its hierarchy and records.

12. Write Short Notes (Any Two):
a) Firewall
b) Packet Switching
c) NGN


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