Micro-Syllabus of CSIT Physics
Text Book (A): Garcia Narciso, Damask Arthur, Physics for Computer Science Students, Springer-Verlag
Reference Books:
(B): Heliday David, Resnick Robert and Walker Gearl, Fundamentals of Physics, 9
th ed., John-
Wiley and Sons, Inc.
(C): Francis W. Sears, Hugh D. Young, Roger Freedman, Mark Zemansky, University Physics,
Volume 1 & 2, 14th ed., Pearson Publication
(D): Knight Randall D., Physics for Scientists and Engineers: A Strategic Approach, 3
rd ed.,
Pearson Publication
Unit Content Teaching Methodology Teaching
Modes Text Book (A) Reference Books Hours
UNIT 1: Rotational Dynamics and Oscillatory Motion (5 hrs)
1 Moment of inertia and torque Multimedia p98-p99 Ref. B, D 1 hour
1 Rotational kinetic energy Multimedia p101-p104 Ref. B, D 1 hour
1 Conservation of angular
Board & Marker p106-p109 Ref. B, D 1 hour
1 Oscillation of spring:
frequency, period, amplitude,
phase angle and energy
Board & Marker p132-p141 Ref. B, D 2 hours
1 Numerical (12) Board & Marker
(a few problem
can be discussed)
Text Book (A):
Example: 8.1, 8.2, 8.4, 10.2, 10.3
Problems: 8.1, 8.2, 8.7, 8.18, 10.5,
10.13, 10.18
Note: Reference C is preferred for
additional numerical.
2 hours)
UNIT 2: Electric and Magnetic Field (5 hrs)
2 Electric field and potential Multimedia p188-p195 Ref. B, D 2 hours
2 Magnetic field & Force on
current carrying wire (should
be extended up to torque)
Board & Marker p228-p232 Ref. B, D 1 hour
2 Magnetic dipole moment,
Force on a moving charge
Board & Marker p232-p234 Ref. B, D 1 hour
2 Hall effect, Electromagnetic
Multimedia p235-p239 Ref. B, D 1 hour
2 Numerical (12) Board & Marker
(a few problem
can be discussed)
Text Book (A):
Example: 14.1, 14.2, 14.3, 16.1, 16.2
Problems: 14.6, 14.8, 14.21, 16.1,
16.2, 16.12, 16.13
Note: Reference B. C is preferred for
additional numerical.
2 hours)
UNIT 3: Fundamentals of Atomic Theory (8 hrs)
3 Blackbody radiation Board & Marker p244-p247 Ref. C, D 1 hour
3 Bohr atom, Spectrum of
Board & Marker p269-p274 Ref. C, D 2 hours
3 Franck-Hertz experiment Multimedia p274-p277 Ref. B, D 1 hour
3 de Broglie’s hypothesis and
its experimental verification
Multimedia p280-p282 Ref. B, D 1 hour
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3 Uncertainty principle and its
Board & Marker p285-p289 Ref. B, C 1 hour
3 matter waves and the
uncertainty principle
Board & Marker p289-p290 Ref. B, C 1 hour
3 group velocity Multimedia p292-p293 Ref. B, C 1 hour
3 Numerical (11) Board & Marker
(a few problem
can be discussed)
Text Book (A):
Example: 18.2, 19.1
Problems: 18.1, 18.2, 18.3, 18.19,
19.2, 19.7, 19.11, 19.16, 19.19
Note: Reference C is preferred for
additional numerical.
2 hours)
UNIT 4: Methods of Quantum Mechanics (5 hrs)
4 Schrodinger theory of
quantum mechanics and its
Board & Marker p298-p303 Ref. C, D 1 hour
4 Outline of the solution of
Schrodinger equation for H-
Board & Marker p323-p326 Ref. C, D 2 hours
4 space quantization and spin Multimedia p326-p332 Ref. C, D 1 hour
4 Atomic wave functions Multimedia p333-p336 Ref. C, D 1 hour
4 Numerical (8) Board & Marker
(a few problem
can be discussed)
Text Book (A):
Example: 20.2, 21.2
Problems: 20.1, 20.2, 20.3, 20.12,
21.3, 21.6
Note: Reference C is preferred for
additional numerical.
2 hours)
UNIT 5: Fundamentals of Solid State Physics (6 hrs)
5 Crystal structure, Crystal
Board & Marker p348-p358 Ref. C & D 1 hour
5 Classical and quantum
mechanical free electron
Board & Marker p362-p367
Ref. C & D 2 hour
5 Bloch theorem, Kronig-
Penny model, Tight-binding
Board & Marker p396-p415 Ref. C & D 2 hour
5 conductors, insulators and
Multimedia p415-p417 Ref. C & D 30 minutes
5 effective mass and holes Multimedia p417-p420
Ref. C & D 30 minutes
5 Numerical (9) Board & Marker
(a few problem
can be discussed)
Text Book (A):
Example: 23.1, 23.2
Problems: 22.1, 22.3, 22.4, 22,5, 22.9,
24.6, 24.8
Note: Reference C is preferred for
additional numerical.
2 hours)
UNIT 6: Semiconductor and Semiconductor devices (8 hrs)
6 Intrinsic and extrinsic
semiconductors (1)
Board & Marker p430-p444 Ref. B, C & D 2 hours
6 Electrical conductivity of
semiconductors (1)
Board & Marker p446-p448 Ref. B, C & D 1 hour
6 Photoconductivity (1) Multimedia p448-p449 Ref. C 1 hour
Downloaded from CSIT Tutor
6 Metal-metal junction: The
contact potential, The
semiconductor diode (2)
Board & Marker p454-p465 Ref. C 2 hours
6 Bipolar junction transistor
(BJT), Field effect transistor
(FET) (2)
Board & Marker p465-p477 Ref. C 2 hours
6 Numerical (11) Board & Marker
(a few problem
can be discussed)
Text Book (A):
Example: 25.2
Problems: 25.1, 25.2, 25.3, 25.13,
25.16, 26.1. 26.2. 26.3. 26.4, 26.5
Note: Reference C is preferred for
additional numerical.
2 hours)
UNIT 7: Universal Gates and Physics of Integrated Circuits (8 hrs)
7 Universal gates p488-p494 Ref. C 1 hour
7 RTL and TTL gates p494-p496 Ref. C 1 hour
7 Memory circuits, Clock
p497-p500 Ref. C & D 2 hours
7 Semiconductor purification:
Zone refining, Single crystal
p504-p508 Ref. D 2 hours
7 Processes of IC production p508-p511 Ref. D 1 hour
7 Electronic component
fabrication on a chip
p511-p515 Ref. C & D 1 hour
7 Numerical (4) Board & Marker
(a few problem
can be discussed)
Text Book (A):
Problems: 27.1, 27.6, 27.9, 27.10
Note: Reference C is preferred for
additional numerical.
1 hour)
Total Lecture and Tutorial Hours 45 lectures
(+13 Tutorial
Students should perform at least 5 experiments (at least one from each groups) in a group of 2 students. They
should submit report of the experiment individually. Students should write their lab report of each experiment in
this format:
Name of the Experiment:
Apparatus Required:
Theory/Working Formula
Error Analysis
The list the experiments are as follows:
(1) Determine the moment of inertia and angular acceleration of a flywheel.
Study Bar Pendulum and find moment of inertia and angular acceleration about various fix points.
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Study Torsional pendulum and find moment of inertia and angular acceleration.
(2) Determine the capacitance of a capacitor by ac bridge (de-Sauty’s method).
Study the characteristics of Zener diode its use as voltage regulation
Design and study the parallel LCR circuits for finding the quality factor of the elements.
(3) Study the temperature dependence of resistance of a given semiconductor.
Study and determine the band gap in metals and semiconductors using appropriate method.
(4) Study the drain and transfer characteristics of junction field effect transistor (JFET).
Study RS-Flip-flop using breadboard.
(5) Design and Study the LOGIC Gates: NOT, AND, OR, NOR & NAND Using TTL. Also Study the
Power Loss in NOT Gate.
Study NAND/NOR gates as Universal logic gates.
Evaluation: The duration of practical examination will be 3 hours. Students should perform one experiment,
took own observational data, calculate the result and interpret it using suitable error analysis. The internal and
external examiner (appointed by the Dean Office) will evaluate the performance in this format:
(1) Experiment: 40%
(2) Write-up: 30%
(3) VIVA Examination: 30%
Model Question
Course Title: Physics (PHY113) Full Marks: 60
Semester: I Pass Marks: 24
Duration: 3 Hours Credit Hour: 3
Attempt any TWO questions. [10 x 2 = 20]
1. What do you mean by the equilibrium current across the pn junction? Use Fermi-Dirac statistics and
Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution to show the flow of electrons from n to p is equal to the flow from p to n.
How electron current from p to n (that is, associated with minority carriers) is not affected by the height of the
potential energy barrier? Explain. [10]
2. Set up differential equation for an oscillation of a spring using Hooke’s and Newton’s second law. Find the
general solution of this equation and hence the expressions for period, velocity and acceleration of oscillation.
3. Set up Schrodinger equation for Hydrogen atom using spherical polar coordinates and separate radial and
angular part of this equation. Without solving radial and angular equations, discuss the quantum numbers
associated with these. [10]
Attempt any EIGHT questions. [5 x 8 = 40]
4. Explain Hall effect and discuss the importance of Hall voltage while manufacturing electronic devices.
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5. What do you mean by Bloch theorem? Discuss its use in Kronig-Penny model and hence in band theory.
6. Describe the following process of IC production: (a) Oxidation, (b) Pattern definition, and (c) Doping.
7. A given spring stretches 0.1 m when a force of 20 N pulls on it. A 2-kg block attached to it on a frictionless
surface is pulled to the right 0.2 m and released. (a) What is the frequency of oscillation of the block? (b)
What is its velocity at the midpoint? (c) What is its acceleration at either end? (d) What are the velocity and
acceleration when x = 0.12 m, on the block's first passing this point? [5]
8. Two large parallel plates are separated by a distance of 5 cm. The plates have equal but opposite charges that
create an electric field in the region between the plates. An a particle (q = 3.2 x 10-19 C, m = 6.68 x 10-27 kg) is
released from the positively charged plate, and it strikes the negatively charged plate 2 x 10-6
sec later.
Assuming that the electric field between the plates is uniform and perpendicular to the plates, what is the
strength of the electric field? [5]
9. What are (a) the energy, (b) the momentum, and (c) the wavelength of the photon that is emitted when a
hydrogen atom undergoes a transition from the state n = 3 to n = 1? [5]
10. For a free quantum particle show that the wavefunction, ψ x,t = Acoskx e
satisfies the time dependent
Schrodinger equation. [5]
11. Copper has a face-centered cubic structure with a one-atom basis. The density of copper is 8.96 g/cm3
and its
atomic weight is 63.5 g/mole. What is the length of the unit cube of the structure? [5]
12. The output of a digital circuit (y) is given by this expression:
y = A B + C A (B + C )
Where A, B and C represent inputs. Draw a circuit of above equation using OR, AND and NOT gate and
hence find its truth table.