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Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Scopes of bsc csit in Nepal

Major scopes of bsc csit in Nepal

Are you wondering what can be the possible areas to work on after completing your study on Information Technology ?, and specially bsc csit in case of Nepal. There are several area to establish yourselves if you have really good interest and skills that fits the current IT world.

Some of the scopes can be as following.

bsc csit consultant
It consultant
IT consultant 
: Many companies or people may require IT consultant for smooth running of their computers and other digital and technical accessories. Moreover IT consultants are required to consult people about the latest and best way to use the technology for betterment of business firm. So It consultant is a good scope for the student of bsc csit.                                                                                                                                                                         

csit mobile application developer
Mobile application
Mobile application developer : Mobile applications are  the mostly used software these days  due to the increasing number of mobile users and increasing ability of mobile phones ability. So Mobile application can be a perfect study field to develop your IT career . This is a great scope for csit students.                                                                                                                                                                                         

software developer csit
software developer
Software Engineer : Software engineer is a cool profession in IT sector where you can learn and implement your creative ability of engineering and software skills. You can find video games, websites , desktop application, mobile application to use your skill as a software engineer. It;s the most popular scope for csit.                                                                                                                                                                                       
web developer bsc csit
web developer

Web Developer : Web developers these days are doing great in today's world as the number of people who use web application is increasing. By the increasing stat of total user of internet day by day web application is increasing since it is easy and fast way to make effective applications. This is best scope who study bsc csit.

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