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BSc. CSIT course of study and Tribhuvhan University(TU) Code of Conduct

BSc CSIT Syllabus, Course of Study, Credit Hours, Code of Conduct, Microsyllabus of 2 Years 

BSc CSIT Syllabus, Course of Study, Credit Hours, Code of Conduct, Microsyllabus of 2 Years





Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Course of Study

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology
(B.Sc. CSIT)
Prepared by
Computer Science and Information Technology Subject Committee


The curriculum of the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology (B.Sc. CSIT) is structured by closely observing the courses offered at approved foreign universities, subject to the requirement that the Bachelor of Science and Information Technology (B.Sc. CSIT). Students' intake is twelve years of science schooling or equivalent to any university approved by Tribhuvan University (TU).  In addition to the foundation and core Computer Science and Information Technology courses, the program offers several elective courses to fulfill the demand for high technology applications development. The foundation and core courses are designed to meet the undergraduate academic program requirement, and the service courses are designed to meet the need for fast-changing computer technology and application. Students enrolled in the four year B.Sc. CSIT program are expected to take courses in computer information systems design and implementation, foundation in the computer science theoretical model, and functional background of computer hardware. All undergraduate students are required to complete 126 credit hours of computer science courses and allied courses.


The key aim of the B.Sc. CSIT curriculum is to provide students with comprehensive knowledge and skills on various fields of computer science and information technology including computer system design, theory, programming and implementation.
  • Should have successfully completed twelve years of schooling in the science stream or equivalent form any university, board or institution.
  • Should have secured a minimum of second division.
  • Should have successfully passed the entrance examination conducted by Institute of Science and Technology (IOST), TU.

Course Duration:

The entire course is of eight semesters (four academic years). There is a separate semester examination after the end of each semester.
Hours of Instruction:
a) 1Working days: 90 days in a semester
b) Class hours:
  •  3 credit hour courses with theory and lab are equivalent to 3 hours theory and 3 hours lab = 6 working hours per week.
  •  3 credit hours theory-only course is equivalent 3 hours theory and 2 hours tutorial = 5 working hours per week.
Evaluation Theory course should have an internal weightage of 20% and an external weightage of 80%. For the course of having lab work, the internal weightage is 20%, lab work weightage is 20% and external weightage is 60%. A student should secure a minimum of 40% in each category to pass a course. The final score in each course will be the sum of the overall weightage of all categories. There will be a separate practical examination for the 20% weightage of lab work conducted by the concerned college in the presence of an external examiner. The project work and internship are evaluated by different evaluators. To pass project work and internship, students should secure at least 40% marks in the evaluation of each evaluator and the final score will be the sum of all the evaluations. For the evaluation of the final presentation, an external examiner will be assigned from the IOST. The Grading System A student having passed his/her 8 semesters (4 years) of study will be graded as follows
  •     Distinction: 80 % and above ( 8 semester’s average)
  •     First Division: 70 % and above ( 8 semester’s average)
  •     Second Division: 55 % and above ( 8 semester’s average)
  •     Pass Division: 40 % and above ( 8 semester’s average)

Attendance Requirement: 

Students are required to attend regularly all theory and practical classes and should maintain 80 percent attendance in each course separately.

Final Examination: 

Institute of science and technology, Tribhuvan University, will conduct the final examination at the end of each semester. 80% weightage will be given to the final examination for theory course and 60% will be given for the course having both theory and practical.

Course Structure: 

Semester I (1st Sem)

Course Code Course Title Credit Hour Full Marks
CSC109 Introduction to Information Technology 3 100
CSC110 C Programming 3 100
CSC111 Digital Logic 3 100
CSC112 Mathematics I 3 100
PHY 113 Physics 3 100
TOTAL 15 500

Semester II (2nd Sem)

Course Code Course Title Credit Hour Full Marks
CSC160 Discrete Structure 3 100
CSC161 Object Oriented Programming 3 100
CSC162 Microprocessor 3 100
CSC163 Mathematics II 3 100
STA 164 Statistics I 3 100
TOTAL 15 500

Semester III (3rd Sem)

Course Code Course Title Credit Hour Full Marks
CSC206 Data Structure and Algorithms 3 100
CSC207 Numerical Method 3 100
CSC208 Computer Architecture 3 100
CSC209 Computer Graphics 3 100
STA 210 Statistics II 3 100
TOTAL 15 500

Semester IV (4th Sem)

Course Code Course Title Credit Hour Full Marks
CSC257 Theory of Computation 3 100
CSC258 Computer
3 100
CSC259 Operating Systems 3 100
CSC260 Database Management System 3 100
CSC261 Artificial Intelligence 3 100
TOTAL 15 500

Semester V (5th Sem)

Course Code Course Title Credit Hour Full Marks
CSC314 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 3 100
CSC315 System Analysis and Design 3 100
CSC316 Cryptography 3 100
CSC317 Simulation and Modeling 3 100
CSC318 Web Technology 3 100
ELECTIVE 1 3 100
TOTAL 18 600

List of Electives:
 1. Multimedia Computing (CSC319)
 2. Wireless Networking (CSC320) 
3. Image Processing (CSC321) 
4. Knowledge Management (CSC322)
 5. Society and Ethics in Information Technology (CSC323) 
6. Microprocessor-Based Design (CSC324)

For details of 6th, 7th and 8th semester:  DOWNLOAD COURSE OF DETAIL

csit notes

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