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Saturday, June 12, 2021

Bsc csit-colleges in Nepal | Find all the CSIT Colleges of Nepal

Bsc csit-colleges in Nepal | Find all the CSIT Colleges of Nepal 

csit colleges of nepal

Currently, there are a total of 58 Bsc. csit colleges in Nepal. Out of 58 colleges, 10 colleges are constituent campuses while the remaining 48 are affiliated colleges of TU. Here is the list of all csit colleges in Nepal. Comment your college name and your satisfaction level with your college's performance.  

College Name Address
Academia International College Gwarko Chowk, Lalitpur
ACHS College of IT and Computer Science Dhobidhara, Putalisadak, Kathmandu
AIMS College, Biratnagar Bhanu Tole, College Road, Biratnagar-14, Biratnagar
Ambikeshwari College Ghorahi-11, Ghorahi
Ambition College Old Baneshwor, Kathmandu
Amrit Science Campus (ASCOL) Lainchaur, Kathmandu
Asian School of Management and Technology Gongabu, Kathmandu
Banke Bageshwori Campus Surkhet Road, Nepalgunj,, Nepalgunj
Bhaktapur Multiple Campus Doodhpati-17, Doodhpati
Birat Kshitiz College DSP Road, Biratnagar-3, Biratnagar
Birat Multiple College Biratnagar, Biratnagar
Birendra Memorial College Dharan-4, Bhupi Marga, Dharan
Birendra Multiple Campus Bharatpur,, Bharatpur
Butwal Multiple Campus Butwal, Butwal
College of Applied Business (CAB) Gangahity, Dhobikhola, Kathmandu
Deerwalk Institute of Technology Sifal,, Sifal
Henry Ford International College (Nepalaya College) kalanki, Kathmandu
Hetauda City College Kantirajpath-4, Kantirajpath
Himalaya College of Engineering Chyasal-9, Lalitpur
Himalaya Darshan College Biratnagar, Biratnagar
Indreni College Bharatpur-11, Bharatpur
Kathford International College of Engineering and Management Kathford International College of Engineering and Management
Kathmandu BernHardt College Bafal, Kalanki, Kathmandu
Kathmandu College of Technology Lokanthali,, Bhaktapur
Lumbini ICT College Gaindakot,, Gaindakot
Madan Bhandari Memorial College New Baneshwor,, Kathmandu
Mahendra Morang Adarsha Multiple Campus Roadcyes Chwok, Biratnagar- 16, Biratnagar
Mahendra Multiple Campus Nepalgunj Nepalgunj-13, Bhansar Road,, Nepalgunj
Mechi Multiple Campus Bhadrapur,, Bhadrapur
Mount Annapurna Campus Phoolbari, Pokhara-11,, Pokhara
Nagarjuna College of Information Technology Sankhamul Bridge, Lalitpur
National College of Computer Studies(NCCS) Paknajol, Kathmandu
National Infotech College Shiromani Tole , Birgunj -18, Birgunj
Nepalgunj Campus Korenpur, Kasturi Marg, Nepalgunj,, Nepalgunj
Nepathya College Butwal-10,Sukkhanagar, Butwal
New Summit College Shantinagar Gate, Tinkune, Kathmandu
Nihareeka College of Management and IT Bargachhi, Biratnagar,, Biratnagar
NIST College Banepa Banepa-4, Karunamarg, Kavre, Banepa
Orchid International College Gaushala, Bijaya Chowk, Kathmandu
Padmakanya Multiple Campus Bagbazar, Kathmandu
Patan Multiple Campus Patan Dhoka, Lalitpur
Prime College Naya Bazar, Khusibu, Kathmandu
Prithvi Narayan Campus Bagar, Pokhara,, Pokhara
Ramsworup Ramsagar Multiple Campus Janakpur, Janakpur
Sagarmatha College of Science and Technology Sanepa, Lalitpur
Samriddhi College Lokanthali-1, Bhaktapur, Bhaktapur
Shree Yantra College Jhapa, Jhapa
Siddhanath Science Campus Mahendranagar, Mahendranagar
Soch college of IT Ranipauwa -11, Pokhara, Pokhara
St. Lawrence College Chabhil, Kathmandu
St. Xavier's College Maitighar,, Kathmandu
Sushma Godawari College Itahari, Itahari
Swastik College Madhyapur Thimi -3, Chardobato, Bhaktapur
Texas International College Mitrapark, Chabhil, Kathmandu
Tinau Technical College Tilottama-2, Janakinagar, Tilottama
Trinity International College Dillibazar Height,, Kathmandu
Vedas College Jawalakhel,Lalitpur

Bsc CSIT Syllabus, CSIT Notes, CSIT Old Question, Solution, CSIT Model Question.BSc. CSIT 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th sem

Bsc CSIT Syllabus, CSIT Notes, CSIT Old Question, Solution, CSIT Model Question.BSc. CSIT 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th sem.

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