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B.Sc. CSIT 8th Semester Model Question

 B.Sc. CSIT 8th Semester Model Question

csit notes


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(Advanced Database) Time: 3 hours
Section A
Attempt any two questions. (2 × 10 = 20)
1. Explain enhanced entity relationship model in detail. What is
2. What is distributed database? Explain data fragmentation techniques in
detail with suitable example.
3. Why do we need query optimization in databases? Compare heuristic
query optimization with cost-based query optimization.
Section B
Attempt any eight questions. (8 × 5 = 40)
4. Explain specialization and generalization with example. [5]
5. What are the benefits of object-oriented database? What is object
6. Explain object query language (OQL) with suitable example. [5]
7. What is query tree? Why do we need this tree in query processing? [2+3]
8. Explain different techniques for distributed database design. [5]
9.. Explain document-based NOSQL system with example. [5]
10. Explain multimedia database in brief. What are the different applications
of multimedia database?
11. Why do we need temporal database? Explain different time dimensions
in this database.
12. Write short notes on:
a. Indexing
b. MapReduce
[2 x 2.5=5]
Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Model Question, 2079
Bachelor Level/ Fourth Year/ Eighth Semester/Science Full Marks: 60
Computer Science and Information Technology (CSC463) Pass Marks: 24
(Advanced Networking with IPv6) Time: 3 hours
Section A
Attempt any two questions. (2 × 10 = 20)
1. What do you mean by programmable networks? Compare the
programmable IPv6 network approach with traditional IPv4 networking.
2. How does different IPv6 addresses are structured? Explain with
3. What is SLAAC? Discuss the ICMPv6 message exchange process for
Section B
Attempt any eight questions. (8 × 5 = 40)
4. Discuss the IPv6 security policy database and security association
5. How does RIP for IPv6 work? Discuss. [5]
6. Explain the recent techniques of IPv6 network migration. [5]
7. Explain the challenges and risks of SoDIP6 network deployment. [5]
8. Discuss about PMTU Discovery. [5]
9.. What are the features of software defined IPv6 networks? Explain. [5]
10. Discuss about RTE format with example. [5]
11. Discuss about PIM-SM for IPv6. [5]
12. Explain about Open vSwitch. [5]
Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Model Question, 2079
Bachelor Level/ Fourth Year/ Eighth Semester/Science Full Marks: 60
Computer Science and Information Technology (CSC464) Pass Marks: 24
(Distributed Networking) Time: 3 hours
Section A
Attempt any two questions. (2 × 10 = 20)
1. Define distributed system. Explain the client server model in distributed
computing system.
2. Discuss client server interoperability. Describe about communication
3. Explain the different types of attack in distributed network. [10]
Section B
Attempt any eight questions. (8 × 5 = 40)
4. Explain the characteristics of distributed network system. [5]
5. What are the techniques to achieve reliability? Describe. [5]
6. How does message is passed over network? [5]
7. Describe the communication protocol. [5]
8. Discuss about fault tolerance in case of distributed network. [5]
9. What are the possible security issues? Explain. [5]
10. How do you design and implement distributed shared memory. [5]
11. Describe about grid and P2P computing. [5]
12. Explain about different replication techniques. [5]
Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Model Question, 2079
Bachelor Level/ Fourth Year/ Eighth Semester/Science Full Marks: 60
Computer Science and Information Technology (CSC465) Pass Marks: 24
(Game Technology) Time: 3 hours
Section A
Attempt any two questions. (2 × 10 = 20)
1. What are different roles of a game designer? Explain formal elements of
a game in detail.
2. Why prototyping lies at the heart of good game design? Explain different
methods of prototyping in detail.
3. Explain different stages of game development. What is agile project
Section B
Attempt any eight questions. (8 × 5 = 40)
4. Why communication and teamwork are most important skills in game
5. Explain dramatic elements in game development. [5]
6. How the elements of games fit together to form playable systems?
7. Why brainstorming is a powerful skill in game development? [5]
8. What are different prototyping tools used in game development?
9.. What is play matrix? How this matrix is used in playtesting? [2+3]
10. What is the size of game industry? What are the different distribution
platforms for games?
11. How do you pitch your own original ideas to publishers? What is pitch
12. Write short notes on:
a) Game tuning
b) Concept art
[2 x 2.5=5]
Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Model Question, 2079
Bachelor Level/ Fourth Year/ Eighth Semester/Science Full Marks: 60
Computer Science and Information Technology (CSC466) Pass Marks: 24
(Distributed and Object Oriented Database) Time: 3 hours
Section A
Attempt any two questions. (2 × 10 = 20)
1. Define distributed database. Explain different distributed database
management system architectures.
2. Explain different layers of distributed query processing. What s data
3. Explain distributed concurrency control. How do you manage deadlock
in distributed database environment?
Section B
Attempt any eight questions. (8 × 5 = 40)
4. Explain benefits of distributed databases. What is autonomy? [3+2]
5. What is data fragmentation? Compare horizontal fragmentation with
vertical fragmentation using suitable example.
6. What is distributed query processing? What are the objectives of this
query processing?
7. Explain lock-based concurrency control technique in distributed
8. Why do we need object-oriented database? What is object structure? [2.5+2.5]
9. What is complex object? Explain type hierarchies and inheritance. [2+3]
10. Explain object definition language with example. [5]
11. What are the design issues related with distributed databases? Explain. [5]
12. Write short notes on:
a) Allocation
b) OQL
[2 x 2.5=5]
Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Model Question, 2079
Bachelor Level/ Fourth Year/ Eighth Semester/Science Full Marks: 60
Computer Science and Information Technology (CSC467) Pass Marks: 24
(Introduction to Cloud Computing) Time: 3 hours
Section A
Attempt any two questions. (2 × 10 = 20)
1. Define cloud. Describe the evolution of cloud. Mention the advantages
of using cloud computing.
2. Describe the services provided under cloud computing. What are the
benefits of virtualization?
3. What is Map-Reduce Programming? Describe how enterprise batch
processing is done using map-reduce?
Section B
Attempt any eight questions. (8 × 5 = 40)
4. Describe cloud service requirements. [5]
5. Differentiate public cloud from private cloud. [5]
6. Discuss the different types of hypervisors. [5]
7. How thread is different from task? How thread programming is done? [3+2]
8. Discuss the cloud security issues. [5]
9.. What is bucket in Amazon simple storage service? How addressing of a
bucket is done?
10. Describe how cloud computing is used in business and consumer
11. How virtual machine security is enforced? [5]
12. Describe the types of services hosted in Aneka container. [5]
Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Model Question, 2079
Bachelor Level/ Fourth Year/ Eighth Semester/Science Full Marks: 60
Computer Science and Information Technology (CSC468) Pass Marks: 24
(Geographical Information System) Time: 3 hours
Section A
Attempt any two questions. (2 × 10 = 20)
1. Define geographical object and field. Differentiate between raster and
vector data models with illustrations.
2. What are different coordinate and projection systems used in GIS
mapping. Explain in brief.
3. How Remote Sensing is different from GPS? Explain how Remote
Sensing works? Differentiate between active and passive sensor?
Section B
Attempt any eight questions. (8 × 5 = 40)
4. Explain the functions of a GIS. How GIS is different from other Database
Management System (DBMS)?
5. Describe the main ways of acquiring data for input into a GIS. [5]
6. Describe the different types of vector overlay operations with suitable
7. What are the different errors in GPS? How they can be corrected? [5]
8. Describe the basic elements of the raster data model. Why a local
operation is also called a cell-by-cell operation?
9.. Why do you most likely use a vector-based buffering operation, rather
than a raster-based physical distance measure operation? Explain with
10. Explain what connectivity, adjacency and containment mean in vector
topology. Provide an example for each.
11. Describe spatial data infrastructure. Mention the contents of Metadata. [5]
12. Write short notes on:
a) Geoid and Ellipsoids
b) Open GIS
[2 x 2.5=5]
Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Model Question, 2079
Bachelor Level/ Fourth Year/ Eighth Semester/Science Full Marks: 60
Computer Science and Information Technology (CSC469) Pass Marks: 24
(Decision Support System and Expert System) Time: 3 hours
Section A
Attempt any two questions. (2 × 10 = 20)
1. Explain DSS Framework in detail. [10]
2. Discuss decision oriented diagnosis to DSS development. [10]
3. Why GDSS is important? Explain various group decision support
Section B
Attempt any eight questions. (8 × 5 = 40)
4. How DSS differs from TPS? Explain. [5]
5. Discuss strategic impact grid. [5]
6. Explain various DSS project participants. [5]
7. Differentiate between DSS data and operating data. [5]
8. Explain architecture of expert systems in detail. [5]
9. Discuss fuzzy reasoning process. [5]
10. Discuss various types of fuzzy expert systems. [5]
11. Discuss expert system development life cycle. [5]
12. Write short notes on:
a. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
b. Executive DSS
[2 x 2.5=5]
Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Model Question, 2079
Bachelor Level/ Fourth Year/ Eighth Semester/Science Full Marks: 60
Computer Science and Information (CSC470) Pass Marks: 24
(Mobile Application Development) Time: 3 hours
Section A
Attempt any two questions. (2 × 10 = 20)
1. How do you define dimensions in mobile computing? Explain the
architecture of mobile computing.
2. Define mobile ecosystem. Describe the factors that affect the UI
development with scenario.
3. What are mobile agents? Explain the different mobile application testing
Section B
Attempt any eight questions. (8 × 5 = 40)
4. Describe the WAP architecture for mobile development framework. [5]
5. Illustrate the significance of speech grammar in mobile UI development
with example.
6. Describe about transmission techniques. [5]
7. How do you handle synchronization and replication of mobile data? [5]
8. Why do we need location based mobile service? Explain. [5]
9.. How does mobile application handle active transactions? [5]
10. Describe about different user interface components. [5]
11. How do you distribute mobile application? Explain the process. [5]
12. Describe about different security threats and issues in mobile
Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Model Question, 2079
Bachelor Level/ Fourth Year/ Eighth Semester/Science Full Marks: 60
Computer Science and Information Technology (CSC471) Pass Marks: 24
(Real Time Systems) Time: 3 hours
Section A
Attempt any two questions. (2 × 10 = 20)
1. Prove that “No on-line scheduling algorithm can achieve a competitive
factor greater than 0.25 when the system is overloaded.” [10]
2. Explain weighted Round-Robin service disciplines with required figure
and example. [10]
3. Highlight on Firm Deadline model. What are its advantages and
disadvantages? [8+2]
Section B
Attempt any eight questions. (8 × 5 = 40)
4. Differentiate between hard, soft and firm real time system. [5]
5. What are the conditions for a valid schedule? Define fixed, jitter and
sporadic release times.
6. Illustrate with an example how slack stealing can improve the average
response time of aperiodic jobs.
7. Explain memory locking in real time memory management. [5]
8. What is the fundamental difference between priority inheritance and
priority ceiling protocol? What are the rules of basic priority-ceiling
9. How can the analysis of sporadic and aperiodic interrupt system can be
carried out? Explain.
10. Illustrate on Medium Access-Control protocol.
11. Differentiate between fixed priority and dynamic priority scheduling.
Briefly explain deferrable server.
12. Write short notes on:
a. overlays
b. Binary angular measure
[2 x 2.5=5]
Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Model Question, 2079
Bachelor Level/ Fourth Year/ Eighth Semester/Science Full Marks: 60
Computer Science and Information Technology (CSC472) Pass Marks: 24
(Network and System Administration) Time: 3 hours
Section A
Attempt any two questions. (2 × 10 = 20)
1. How to administer Software-Defined Networking (SDN)? How do you
perform disk partitioning for Linux installation over a desktop machine?
2. What do you consider for Linux client and server installation? What are
the benefits of open source database like MySQL? How do you perform
job scheduling in Linux using cron/crontab/anacron? Explain with
3. What is firewall? Explain the firewall tools used in Linux in network and
application layer. How do you perform control and dataplane
communication over SDN?
Section B
Attempt any eight questions. (8 × 5 = 40)
4. Explain the DHCP lease renewable process. [5]
5. Discuss the DNS zone transfer process for dynamic updates. [5]
6. How do you implement proxy ACL for port level control of traffic in
SQUID proxy?
7. What is SMTP relay? Compare SMTP with IMAP. [1+4]
8. What is SPAM? How do you perform SPAM filtering at your mail server? [1+4]
9.. Describe about authenticating proxy server. [5]
10. Explain the procedure of web server virtual hosting. [5]
11. Describe the architecture of ONOS-SDN/IP. [5]
12. What is the difference between caching and replication? What are the major
components of DHCP server configuration?
Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Model Question, 2079
Bachelor Level/ Fourth Year/ Eighth Semester/Science Full Marks: 60
Computer Science and Information Technology (CSC473) Pass Marks: 24
(Embedded Systems Programming) Time: 3 hours
Section A
Attempt any two questions. (2 × 10 = 20)
1. Illustrate data processing instruction MOV with barrel shifter and ALU.
Explain branch instructions B, BL, BX and BLX with examples and
2. Describe thumb instruction decompressor organization and thumb to
ARM instruction mapping.
3. Write C program to find squares of integers from 0 to 9 using a function
(square) and convert square function by an assembly function to do the
same actions.
Section B
Attempt any eight questions. (8 × 5 = 40)
4. Illustrate major differences between RISC and CISC. Explain four major
design rules for RISC philosophy implementation.
5. Draw and explain ARM core dataflow model. [5]
6. Explain psr (program status register) byte fields. [5]
7. Explain thumb programmer’s model. [5]
8. Discuss about basic C data types supported by ARM compliers. [5]
9.. Explain ATPCS (ARM – Thumb Procedure Call Standard) arguments
passing during function call with a programming example.
10. Explain 5 stage pipeline executing in ARM (ARM9TDMI). [5]
11. Explain firmware and bootloader. Show firmware execution flow. [5]
12. How components interact and function that determines the characteristics
of a specific operating system.
Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Model Question, 2079
Bachelor Level/ Fourth Year/ Eighth Semester/Science Full Marks: 80
Computer Science and Information Technology (MGT474) Pass Marks: 32
(International Business Management) Time: 3 hours
Section A
Attempt any three questions. (3 × 10 = 30)
1. Define International Business. Explain the challenges of abroad business [10]
2. State the positive and negative impact of Globalization. [10]
3. Describe the Regional Economic Integration. Explain about economic. [10]
4. What is International Strategic management? Mention any two Modes
of entering and operating in International markets.
Section B
Attempt any ten questions. (10 × 5 = 50)
5. Write any five differences between Domestic and International Business. [5]
6. Explain about SAFTA. [5]
7. Describe about Political environment on international business. [5]
8. Write the meaning of intellectual property rights. [5]
9.. Explain about level of economic development. [5]
10. Mention the modes of payment in international trade. [5]
11. Explain the Factors affecting exchange rate. [5]
12. Explain in brief about franchising and management contract. [5]
13. Mention about the managing global supply chain. [5]
14. Describe the Geocentric approach in operation of International Business. [5]
15. Explain about global production strategies. [5]

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