This blog consists of all information about bsc csit along with notes, old questions, routines and solutions.

B.Sc.CSIT III Semester-077 Exam Form Filling Notice !!!CLICK HERE



Monday, June 14, 2021

BSc. CSIT 7th Sem Advance Java | csit notes of Advance Java (New Syllabus)

 BSc. CSIT 7th Sem Advance Java | csit notes of Advance Java (New Syllabus)Advance Java course of csit familiarizes students with basic as well as advanced features of  Java  Programming Emphasis will be given to GUI  and event-driven programming, Database  Connectivity, ...

BSc. CSIT 7th Sem Principle of Management | csit notes of POM (New Syllabus)

 BSc. CSIT 7th Sem Principle of Management | csit notes of POM (New Syllabus)Principle of Management or POM course of csit contains  The  Nature of  Organizations,  Introduction to  Management,  Evolution of Management Thought, Environmental Context of Management,...

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Bsc csit-colleges in Nepal | Find all the CSIT Colleges of Nepal

Bsc csit-colleges in Nepal | Find all the CSIT Colleges of Nepal Currently, there are a total of 58 Bsc. csit colleges in Nepal. Out of 58 colleges, 10 colleges are constituent campuses while the remaining 48 are affiliated colleges of TU. Here is the list of all csit colleges in Nepal. Comment...

Tuesday, June 1, 2021